18 November 2008
Querido Maestro Fuentes,
Le escribo, casi al aire, con la esperanza de que algún día, alguien le haga saber que existimos seres como yo, que nacimos mucho tiempo después que usted hubiese publicado su primera novela y que leemos y releemos su obra con gran afán, total gusto y siempre sintiendo que nos podemos ver reflejados en sus personajes (excepto la cabrona de Asunta Jordán, usted disculpe mi francés, pero de todos y todas, la bastarda más grande, en mi humilde opinión). Yo quisiera no ser "Juan Pueblo" y poder acercarme y preguntarle, y poder tocarlo para poder llorar como todos los ridículos que lo hacemos cuando aparece el Papa, o cuando leemos sobre el holocausto, o cuando supimos de las torres gemelas y su sospechosa caída, o cuando el avión de nuestro joven y hermoso Secretario de Gobernación se desplomó, porque sí, mi querido maestro Fuentes, habemos pueblo, y parte del pueblo ama el martirologio o se aferra a creer que si tocamos a quienes admiramos, una especie de ósmosis espontáneo nos convertirá en mejores personas, somos los que lloramos por todo, pero también nos encabronamos por todo, queremos matar a los que son retrógrados, a los que tienen cerebro rudimentario, a los que no creen que todos tenemos por derecho de nacimiento los mismos derechos... Créame, maestro Fuentes, si no tuviese yo, hijos que mantener, hubiera estado presente en todos los homenajes, lecturas, mesas redondas, cuadradas, simposios, convenciones y demás que se han organizado en torno a su maravillosa obra y su intelectual persona. Pero la realidad me pesa sobre los hombros y me obliga a poner los pies en la tierra y tengo que hacer tres turnos para poder sacar al büey de la barranca, por lo cual, aunado a mi condición de Don Nadie, estoy fuera de cualquier posibilidad de siquiera mirarle de lejos... como verá no todos somos iguales, o como diría mi abuela, todos estamos hechos de barro, pero no es lo mismo, bacín que jarro, tristemente no siendo yo jarro, no puedo más soñar con que algún día, el destino me permitirá conocerle y si no, siempre tendré sus libros.
Con todo lo que me he explayado, ya no le quito más tiempo, solo quisiera felicitarlo y atreverme a confesarle lo que muchos y muchas no podemos, por pudor, recato o por el buen nombre de nuestras familias, mismo que ahora llevo a que me deshereden, excomulguen y demás crueldades, pero que yo tengo la responsabilidad de expresar:
Su obra es "Un Orgasmo Literario" con todo respeto, pido disculpas por lo degenerado de mis palabras, pero tenía que decírselo.
Por favor, no nos condene a la frigidez, siga escribiendo.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Euphoria In New York
I have been to New York several times, for business purposes and I have never seen the general euphoria caused by Barak Obama winning the elections. Especially black people were so happy, some of them with tears in their eyes. I was very surprised to realize that this man, who now is the elected President of the United States and who gives speeches like a preacher, reminding me of Martin Luther King, holds the hopes of so many, that I am somehow scared. Now the campaign is over, promises will have to be fulfilled and delivered, peoples´expectations are so high that I think it is dangerous. One man cannot fix a whole nation and an economy so deeply damaged by eight years of stupidity and war. On the other hand, it is good to believe, it is important for people -regardless the colour of their skin- to have hope and keep going. I am happy for the people, I am expectant, just like the rest of the world and I definitely wish Mr. Obama the best of luck, for the sake of Americans and the rest of the world. Let´s share New Yorkers euphoria and happiness, at least for once!
people in New York
Farewell, Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton died of cancer Wednesday night, he was 66. He was a most creative, science-fiction / thriller contemporary writer. Everybody will remember him for his novel Jurassic Park, taken to the screen by Steven Spielberg. I particularly enjoyed his novel “Eaters of the Death” later on published as “The 13th Warrior” and a motion picture directed by John McTiernan, with the most beautiful man on earth, actor Vladimir Kulich playing the role of Viking leader, Bulwyf. Michael Crichton was a very educated man, graduated from Harvard Summa Cum Laude and later on invited writer in the M.I.T. He used his scientific knowledge to support his writing, making us wonder if he was just writing fiction or some Government dirty secrets. He was versatile jumping from one topic to another, proving to be a most talented writer. His novel “Rising Sun” – a thriller about a murder committed on the table of a meeting room in a major Japanese corporation, while negotiations to acquire one strategic corporation (Japanese companies buying American ones) touched the problem of racism and ignorance, and he was severely criticized for the way he presented both Japanese executives (as heartless and willing to die for the company…) and Americans (naïve, ignorant and racist). Crichton will certainly be missed; few writers could use scientific knowledge the way he did, making it feasible before our eyes. Amongst his wonderful novels I recommend “Rising Sun”, “Eaters of the Death”, “Sphere”, “The Great Train Robbery” and “Timeline”. All of them taken to the big screen. For those of you who are not great fans of thrillers, he published “State of Fear”(2004) that is more like an essay, with the author´s points of view on the politics and world paranoia about ecological issues, such as Global Warming.
Crichton dies,
jurassic park,
Michael Crichton
Farewell, Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton died of cancer Wednesday night, he was 66. He was a most creative, science-fiction / thriller contemporary writer. Everybody will remember him for his novel Jurassic Park, taken to the screen by Steven Spielberg. I particularly enjoyed his novel “Eaters of the Death” later on published as “The 13th Warrior” and a motion picture directed by John McTiernan, with the most beautiful man on earth, actor Vladimir Kulich playing the role of Viking leader, Bulwyf. Michael Crichton was a very educated man, graduated from Harvard Summa Cum Laude and later on invited writer in the M.I.T. He used his scientific knowledge to support his writing, making us wonder if he was just writing fiction or some Government dirty secrets. He was versatile jumping from one topic to another, proving to be a most talented writer. His novel “Rising Sun” – a thriller about a murder committed on the table of a meeting room in a major Japanese corporation, while negotiations to acquire one strategic corporation (Japanese companies buying American ones) touched the problem of racism and ignorance, and he was severely criticized for the way he presented both Japanese executives (as heartless and willing to die for the company…) and Americans (naïve, ignorant and racist). Crichton will certainly be missed; few writers could use scientific knowledge the way he did, making it feasible before our eyes. Amongst his wonderful novels I recommend “Rising Sun”, “Eaters of the Death”, “Sphere”, “The Great Train Robbery” and “Timeline”. All of them taken to the big screen. For those of you who are not great fans of thrillers, he published “State of Fear”(2004) that is more like an essay, with the author´s points of view on the politics and world paranoia about ecological issues, such as Global Warming.
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